
Maererano nemishumo Food and Agriculture Organization yeUnited Nations (FAO):
"* kungoda chete muzvitatu zvokudya anogadzirwa munyika rinodyiwa nevanhu nerimwe gore - vanenge mabhiriyoni 1,3 matani - chinozadzwa vakarasika kana waparadzwa.
* Per capita dongo vatengi riri pakati 95-115 makirogiramu gore Europe neNorth America, apo vatengi dzakakomberedza dzemusub -Saharan Africa, kumaodzanyemba uye kumaodzanyemba-kumabvazuva kweAsia, mumwe uzvirasire kure 6-11 chete makirogiramu pagore.
* Fruits uye miriwo, pamwe midzi uye tubers vane soro wastage prices chero zvokudya.
* Global quantitative chikafu nokurasikirwa uye dongo pagore vari nehasha 30% nokuti zviyo, 40-50% kuti mudzi zvirimwa, michero uye miriwo, 20% nokuti mbeu mafuta, nyama uye dheri ndinoiitawo 35% kuti hove . "

That's where we start. Fuyuanzhou(FYZ) established in 2014. We are a Shenzhen manufacturer of innovative vacuum storage containers, zipper bags, wine bottle stoppers, etc.. We devote ourselves to find out the best way to maintain foods, extend the shelf life of foods. With our 10+ years experience R & D team, after 2 years developing, we finally launch our revolutionary vacuum storage products. Our patented vacuum food container creates an vacuum space of 350hPa(equal to 8000 meters high), which it's the lowest atmospheric pressure in the market so far. We know that the lower the atmospheric pressure, the less air/oxygen/moisture and longer shelf life of foods. This is the 1st key element of a vacuum sealing container.

With yedu patented design, redu airtight Vacuum mugaba ngaarambe Vacuum kwemakore asina leakage. The nani chisimbiso, Kureba Vacuum mamiriro. Ndicho 2nd chinhu chinokosha pane Vacuum mugaba.

Tinoramba kutamira kuumba zvigadzirwa nani uye kunyange nani.

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